War on Pie Charts

Ironic that a site aiming to help “create intelligent businesses” uses the least intelligent choice of visualizing data. We can only hope that the data itself is more sound and their readers are as skeptical as we are…

Really Google!

Really Google!

Not sure about this

Not sure about this

Psychedelic pie

Psychedelic pie

The only thing worse than a pie charts is motion pie charts.
Breaking up over a pie chart

This would be really interesting as a slope graph.


3-D transparent pie chart…sweet!
IBM Watson Shows of Visual Prowess

The worlds smartest computer, still dumber than a 5th grader that’s read any of Stephen Few’s work.

The new Microsoft Office really throws the feces

A new computer forced me to reinstall MS Office and the only version was 2013. Not only was I required to create a “Microsoft” account, and strongly encouraged to sync everything to their servers online. During the install I was smacked in the face multiple times with these steaming piles of chart junk. Honestly though, I didn’t expect anything better from them…

